Back in the mists of time, in the days of MS-DOS and Clipper programming, Norton Guide database files were a very popular form of hypertext help. Lots of information is still kicking around inside such files. Over the years I've developed a reasonably long line of tools to help keep that information available. Recently I realised that I'd never written anything to access NG files from Python.
This library seeks to address that.
The reason for a library, as opposed to another converter or reader, is that I actually do want to (and as of the time of writing have started to) develop a new family of tools, that are nicely cross-platform, and will serve the command line, the CHUI, the GUI and web interfaces. To make this happen it makes sense that a solid core library for Norton Guide database access is developed.
This is that library.
is available from pypi and can be
installed with pip
or similar Python package tools:
$ pip install ngdb
The only requirement for this library, other than the standard Python
library, is
The source for this library can always be found in its GitHub repository.
git clone