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Code to support the DOS heritage of most Norton Guide databases.

DOS_MAP module-attribute

DOS_MAP = maketrans(
        0: " ",
        1: "☺",
        2: "☻",
        3: "♥",
        4: "♦",
        5: "♣",
        6: "♠",
        7: "•",
        8: "◛",
        9: "○",
        10: "◙",
        11: "♂",
        12: "♀",
        13: "♪",
        14: "♫",
        15: "☼",
        16: "►",
        17: "◄",
        18: "↕",
        19: "‼",
        20: "¶",
        21: "§",
        22: "▬",
        23: "↨",
        24: "↑",
        25: "↓",
        26: "→",
        27: "←",
        28: "∟",
        29: "↔",
        30: "▲",
        31: "▼",
        127: "⌂",
        128: "Ç",
        129: "ü",
        130: "é",
        131: "â",
        132: "ä",
        133: "à",
        134: "å",
        135: "ç",
        136: "ê",
        137: "ë",
        138: "è",
        139: "ï",
        140: "î",
        141: "ì",
        142: "Ä",
        143: "Å",
        144: "É",
        145: "æ",
        146: "Æ",
        147: "ô",
        148: "ö",
        149: "ò",
        150: "û",
        151: "ù",
        152: "ÿ",
        153: "Ö",
        154: "Ü",
        155: "¢",
        156: "£",
        157: "¥",
        158: "₧",
        159: "ƒ",
        160: "á",
        161: "í",
        162: "ó",
        163: "ú",
        164: "ñ",
        165: "Ñ",
        166: "ª",
        167: "º",
        168: "¿",
        169: "⌙",
        170: "¬",
        171: "½",
        172: "¼",
        173: "¡",
        174: "«",
        175: "»",
        176: "░",
        177: "▒",
        178: "▓",
        179: "│",
        180: "┤",
        181: "╡",
        182: "╢",
        183: "╖",
        184: "╕",
        185: "╣",
        186: "║",
        187: "╗",
        188: "╝",
        189: "╜",
        190: "╛",
        191: "┐",
        192: "└",
        193: "┴",
        194: "┬",
        195: "├",
        196: "─",
        197: "┼",
        198: "╞",
        199: "╟",
        200: "╚",
        201: "╔",
        202: "╩",
        203: "╦",
        204: "╠",
        205: "═",
        206: "╬",
        207: "╧",
        208: "╨",
        209: "╤",
        210: "╥",
        211: "╙",
        212: "╘",
        213: "╒",
        214: "╓",
        215: "╫",
        216: "╪",
        217: "┛",
        218: "┌",
        219: "█",
        220: "▄",
        221: "▌",
        222: "▐",
        223: "▀",
        224: "α",
        225: "ß",
        226: "Γ",
        227: "π",
        228: "Σ",
        229: "σ",
        230: "µ",
        231: "τ",
        232: "Φ",
        233: "Λ",
        234: "Ω",
        235: "δ",
        236: "∞",
        237: "φ",
        238: "ε",
        239: "∩",
        240: "≡",
        241: "±",
        242: "≥",
        243: "≤",
        244: "⌠",
        245: "⌡",
        246: "÷",
        248: "°",
        249: "∙",
        250: "·",
        251: "√",
        252: "ⁿ",
        253: "²",
        254: "■",
        255: "\xa0",

Map For translating into DOS-a-like characters.



Try and make a string from a guide capable of retaining DOS-likeness.


Name Type Description Default



The text to convert.



Type Description

The converted text.