-- Quickly visit a repo's forge

Posted on 2019-10-20 13:15 +0100 in Coding • 2 min read

These days fish is my shell of choice. I started out with bash back in the 1990s, went through a bit of a zsh/oh-my-zsh phase, but earlier this year finally settled on fish.

At some point I might write a post about my fish config, and why fish works well for me. But that's an idea for another time.

In this post I thought I'd share a little snippet of code that can come in handy now and again.

Sometimes I find myself inside a git repo, in the shell, and I want to get to the "forge" for that repo. This is most often either on GitHub, or in a company-local installation of GitLab. To get there quickly I wrote

# Attempt go visit the origin hub for the current repo.

function gh -d "Visit the repo in its origin hub"

    # Check that there is some sort of origin.
    set origin (git config --get remote.origin.url)

    # If we didn't get anything...
    if not test "$origin"
        # ...complain and exit.
        echo "This doesn't appear to be a git repo with an origin"
        return 1

    # Open in the browser.
    open "https://"(string replace ":" "/" (string replace -r '\.git$' "" (string split "@" $origin)[ 2 ]))


### ends here

The idea is pretty simple: I see if the repo has an origin of some description and, if it has, I slice and dice it into something that looks like the URL you'd expect to find for a GitHub or GitLab repo. Finally I use open to open the URL in the environment's browser of choice.