
Posted on 2025-01-25 14:21 +0000 in Coding • Tagged with Python, terminal, textual • 3 min read


I seem to be back in the swing of writing handy (for me) little terminal-based applications again. Having not long since released Braindrop (which I'm still working on and tinkering with; it'll get more features in the near future, for sure), I had an idea for another tool I'd like to have: something for looking through, searching, and filtering Python PEPs.

As with anyone who is interested in what's happening with Python itself, I subscribe to the RSS feed of the latest Python PEPs, but I also wanted something that would let me look back at older ones in a way that worked "just so" ("just so" being "what feels right for me", of course). Having finished the main work on Braindrop I realised that the general layout of its UI would work here, as would the filtering and searching approach I used.

From this idea Peplum was born!

Peplum in action

In this first release I've simply concentrated on all things to do with grabbing the list of PEPs and presenting them in a useful way; adding various forms of filtering them; adding the ability to search the metadata; that sort of thing. I aim to keep developing this out over the next few weeks and months, adding things like the ability to make notes, to locally view the text of a PEP, perhaps even to mark PEPs as unread and read, etc.

As I mentioned earlier, much of the design was driven by what I did with Braindrop, so once again I've tried my very best to make it keyboard-friendly and as much as possible keyboard-first. This sometimes means having to work against how Textual works, but generally that isn't too tricky to do. I'm once again making heavy use of the command palette and also ensuring that all commands that have corresponding keyboard bindings are documented in the help screen.

Peplum Help

There's enough common code between Peplum and Braindrop, when it comes to this aspect of building a Textual application, that I'm minded to spin it out into a little library of its own. I'm going to sit on this code for a wee while and see how it develops, but I can see me taking this approach with future applications and doing this will stop the need to copy and paste.

It might also be useful to others building with Textual.

Also as with Braindrop, themes are a thing, and the theme setting is sticky so you can set it the once and stick with that you like. Here's some examples:

Nord Catppuccin Latte Tokyo Night

That's a small selection of the themes, with more to explore.

While working on this project I managed to find a couple more bugs in Textual, including a fun way to get transparent backgrounds to get out of sync and also a way to get an easy crash out of OptionList if it's set to width: auto.

What was even more fun was I sort of discovered a bug in the Python PEP API. Thanks to Hugo noticing my "huh, weird" post on Fosstodon, there's now an issue for it as well as a PR in the works. In retrospect I should have raised an issue myself; instead I fell into that "they obviously know what they're doing so it must be like this for a reason" trap.

Lesson relearned: it's always better to ask and get an answer, than to assume a thing is how it is for a reason you don't know; which I guess is a version of Linus' law really.

So that's v0.1.0 out in the wild. I'm pleased with how it's turned out and there's more to come. It's licensed GPL-3.0 and available via GitHub and also via PyPi. If you have an environment that has pipx installed you should be able to get up and going with:

$ pipx install peplum

It can also be installed with Homebrew by tapping davep/homebrew and then installing peplum:

$ brew tap davep/homebrew
$ brew install peplum

I'm going to be making good use of this and working on it more; I hope it's useful to someone else. :-)


Posted on 2025-01-03 16:24 +0000 in Coding • Tagged with Python, terminal, textual • 3 min read


A touch over a year ago I did the initial work on an application called Tinboard, a terminal-based client for the Pinboard bookmarking service. I had a lot of fun building it and it was an application that I used on a near-daily basis. However, around August last year I realised it was time for me to move on from Pinboard and try something new; based on various recommendations I settled on Raindrop.

As mentioned in the other blog post, Raindrop offered more or less everything I had with Pinboard and so the move was fairly straightforward. The one thing that was missing though was an application similar to Tinboard.

So, late on last year, with my winter break approaching, I decided to start from scratch and build a "Tinboard for Raindrop", which I'm calling Braindrop.

This was going to be a bit of an adventure too. Since being laid off from Textualize earlier in 2024 I'd not been following its development quite as closely as I used to, and had also run into some issues and bugs with it since that time; moreover, as well as various bugs appearing, some breaking changes had also been made. As such this was going to be a process where I'd wrap my head around what's happened with the framework over the prior six months or so.

Given all this, over the past couple of weeks I've been spending a few hours a day doing some for-pleasure coding and v0.1.0 of Braindrop is the result.

Main display

As much as possible I've tried to keep the look and feel similar to that of Tinboard, while also doing my best to avoid some of the "ah, I wish I hadn't done it this way" design decisions I'd made. As of the time of writing I'm very pleased with the result.

The edit dialog

One thing I did want to do is ensure that the application was as keyboard-friendly as possible, while also still allowing use of the mouse. Textual can sometimes get that wrong and I ran into an example of this while trying to ensure that there's good in-application help. Somewhat recently Textual added a built-in help system which, sadly, can't easily be used by and navigated by someone using the keyboard. So instead I've recreated the help system I built into Tinboard, while adopting the documentation standard that Textual had settled on (which, coincidentally, was kind of similar to what I did in Tinboard to start with).

The help dialog

As with Tinboard, I've also made sure to make full use of the command palette, with every action that makes sense having a keyboard hotkey as well as a command in the palette. I also took things a little further and made sure that the hotkeys are shown in the command palette for easier discovery.

The command palette

I've also made sure that Textual's new theme system is available for easy use; so out goes dark/light mode toggling and in comes a collection of different themes. Here's a wee selection as an example:

Example theme 1 Example theme 2 Example theme 3 Example theme 4

That's a small selection of the themes, with more to explore.

There's a few more things I want to do before I consider the application v1.0-ready, but it's already in use by me and working well. As I decide what else I want to add to it I'm building up a list of TODO items.

Given that my day job these days is quite varied, isn't quite so coding-intensive, and isn't always related to all things Python, it's actually been fun to sit down and hack up a pure Python application from scratch again. It's also helped me discover a couple or so fresh bugs in Textual (which I've reported, of course) and given me the opportunity to PR some trivial fixes as I've noticed typos and stuff as I go.

Anyway; that's v0.1.0 out in the wild. I'm pleased with how it's turned out and there's more to come. It's licensed GPL-3.0 and available via GitHub and also via PyPi. If you have an environment that has pipx installed you should be able to get up and going with:

$ pipx install braindrop

It can also be installed with Homebrew by tapping davep/homebrew and then installing braindrop:

$ brew tap davep/homebrew
$ brew install braindrop

I hope this is useful to someone else. :-)

Markdown all the things

Posted on 2024-11-04 21:00 +0000 in Coding • Tagged with Python, Twitter, Journey, Evernote • 4 min read

Recently I've been on a bit of a "turn stuff into Markdown files and slap them in an Obsidian Vault" trip. This kicked off a couple of months back when I made a decision unrelated to coding.

On and off, since my teenage years, I've kept journals. Since those teenage years it's been more off than on, but a couple of times in my adult life it's been really helpful to actually write one. The last time this happened was early 2019. It was pretty vital I did that at the time and it was a really sensible and helpful decision, and an approach to the situation I was in that I'd recommend to anyone (and have done on occasion to anyone going through the same thing).

The actual motivation for starting that particular journal is long behind me, but I'd got into the habit of writing it and so, until a couple or so months back, I kept jotting something down every day. But I came to the realisation that I didn't need to and that it had become something of a chore.

I'd been using an application called Journey. It's a great app, does the job well, but was also suffering from the creep of "AI" (I've had a few apps ion my arsenal that don't need it, acquire a useless "AI" feature). This privacy-problematic change of direction, combined with the realisation that I didn't need to write about my day, every day, any more, made me decide it was time to stop and cancel the subscription.

Thankfully Journey has a pretty comprehensive export option so I used it and didn't think too much more about it for a while.

Meanwhile I also had a subscription to Evernote that I didn't really use any more. Within it I had held a handful of years of journal entries from a decade or so ago, along with other "remember this for some point in the future" stuff. For the longest time I was on some really cheap tier that didn't exist any more, one that was low enough that I didn't really notice the cost go out each month so I kept putting off exporting things and closing it all down until "next month".

Then I got an email from them to say they were forcing me onto some new tier that was more expensive. So that was the final straw there. I made an export of what I had in Evernote and closed that account down too.

A wee while went past and then I got to thinking that it might be interesting to try and combine both these sources into one archived journal. I had stuff from around 2010 to 2015, and I also had stuff from 2019 until 2024; the former in the Evernote archive and the latter in the Journey archive. Surely I could write a couple of tools to turn that data into one consolidated Obsidian Vault?

Over the course of a couple of weekends journey2md and evernote2md were born. While both of those tools work differently, they're both designed to populate the same Obsidian Vault. Once I was happy with this I did the mass conversion and I was happy with the result.

Now I have years of journal entries, all converted to Markdown files and made available for reading via an application that lets me rummage through history using dates and tags and all sorts of other searching.

So I was happy with that and didn't give it much more though.

Then last week I got to thinking...

Twitter has turned into the worst place possible and I can't for the life of me think why any right-thinking person who has an ounce of humanity or has anything approaching a humanistic outlook on life would remain an active user. Honestly I stuck it out longer than was sensible, but in June 2023 I finally quit for good.

Back when the new owner was confirmed I, like a lot of people, extracted my archive. It's since been sat in storage doing nothing, yet there's a lot of data in there that could be interesting to work with, or just to go back and look through. So last week's thought was "why don't I also turn this into an Obsidian Vault?".

So I did...

The graph of my Twitter Obsidian Vault

The tool I built to do this is bird2glass. As you'll see in the README it makes a few assumptions about the state of Twitter archive dumps and also what a user wants from this. Personally I'm pleased with the result.

The main aim of the tool is to break the tweets down into a hierarchy of year, month and day...

Viewing a tweet

...and also to connect them with any account that was being replied to or mentioned in some way...

Viewing a user

This user view is handy when viewing backlinks, as it gives you a list of all the tweets that mention that user (and, of course, if you're into Obsidian's graph it will make for some interesting connections within there).

I sense there's more I can do with this, and I imagine I will continue to tinker with it. Meanwhile though, if that sounds like something you'd benefit from do feel free to grab it and play with it and hack on it. Keep in mind the notes and assumptions that are in the README, and really be prepared for a lot of files to be created if you did a lot of tweeting like I did (I do think that over 50,000 individual files for an Obsidian Vault is a bit silly, if I'm honest).

Meanwhile... I might need to look at other applications and think about how I can turn the data into useful Markdown collections!

Paindrop v1.0.0

Posted on 2024-08-18 10:57 +0100 in Coding • Tagged with Python, pinboard, raindrop • 4 min read

I was quite late discovering Pinboard; by the looks of things I created my account and paid my first subscription for it in early 2019. Since then I've been a pretty avid user and found it really useful. I've even written a couple of clients for it (one for Emacs and one for the terminal).

During that time it's had its fair share of hiccups and outages, but on the whole I've found it a stable and useful service.

The service does have its detractors, and concerns over its long-term stability and how well it's maintained are fairly common. I half paid attention to these, and had started to think about where I might go if there was an issue.

While maintaining and syncing bookmarks isn't exactly a difficult or unsolved problem, and while it's also true that it could be fun to roll my own solution, there are a couple of things I need that would make building my own approach a bit of a chore.

Things important to me are:

  • An extension for any random browser I might find myself using
  • A good mobile client for at least iOS and iPadOS
  • A good API so I can write my own tools if I need to
  • A clean and focused backend website

I kept these things in mind and kept an eye out but I'd never really felt the need to actively start looking around.

Then I stumbled on this after posting about another Pinboard outage.

That... yeah, that was the final push I needed to start to think seriously about where to move and how.

A couple of people suggested Raindrop, and from what I could tell it was coming up as a pretty popular service that some Pinboard users were migrating to. I had a look and it wasn't quite what I was after; but close.

You see, there's two things I really like about Pinboard that Raindop didn't seem to cover:

  • Simple support for "this shit is unread". I see things, I share to whatever Pinboard app I have on my phone or tablet, etc, and then I review some time later (normally in Tinboard).
  • Support for Private and Public pins. I've liked having a feed of bookmarks I can let people see and Raindrop doesn't have this.

I looked around at some blogs that talked about Pinboard vs Raindrop and didn't see any that really dived into this particular aspect of migrating; I also asked a couple of folk who'd made the move about this and they didn't really have any insight (mainly because they didn't care about those particular uses).

One thing I did notice though was that Raindrop does support making individual collections public. So, if I was willing to sacrifice any other uses for collections (a bookmark in Raindrop can only be in one collection), I could simply have a Public and a Private collection and import pins into the appropriate one. Also, unread pins could be left out of the collections and I could use that to signify unread status.

This seemed fine as I'm heavy on the tags anyway.

Now... Raindrop has a pretty comprehensive import facility built in. I gave it a try with Pinboard's backup file and it worked really well. That is... really well except it just threw away the public/private/unread aspect of the pins. There was only one thing for it then: I had to write my own importer!

Which brings me to Paindrop. It's a quick hack but it does the job, and it does the import just how I wanted. The result of the first test was pretty much spot on (in this image I'm comparing what Raindrop says vs what Tinboard says I have in Pinboard):

Comparing Raindrop and Tinboard contents

Usage is pretty straightforward. You create Public and Private collections in Raindrop, you create an app in Raindrop and get the access token, you grab your Pinboard access token and then:

$ paindrop example:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

where the first parameter is the Pinboard access token and the second the Raindrop access token.

If all goes well, after a few moments, the importer should finish and you should find that all of your pins have migrated to Raindrop, all public pins are in the Public collection and all private pins are in the Private collection. Any pins that were marked as unread will be Unsorted.

Note that if you used different names for your public and private collections you can pass those names to paindrop with the --public and --private switches.

If you're looking to move your bookmarking history out of Pinboard and want to keep the same sort of structure I had I hope Paindrop will be useful to you too.

Paindrop can be installed with pip or (ideally) pipx from PyPi. It can also be installed with Homebrew by tapping davep/homebrew and then installing paindrop:

$ brew tap davep/homebrew
$ brew install paindrop

The source is available on GitHub.

PS: As for the name... originally it was pin2rain but then Darren Burns pointed out the obvious and it had to happen.

On to something new (redux) (redux)

Posted on 2024-06-16 13:08 +0100 in Life • Tagged with work, YouTube, streaming, gaming, PS5 • 3 min read

It's been a wee while since I wrote anything here (been about a month) so I thought I'd make mention of what's going on.

The main news is that I'm employed again!

Once the news about the Textual layoffs hit I, of course, started the job hunting process. This lasted for a wee while (and I have a couple of stories about that -- perhaps I'll write them up one day). I officially became "unemployed" on April the 1st (yeah, I know), and by the 23rd I had an offer for a new position, which I accepted.

As of the time of writing I've been in that position for a touch over 3 weeks and it's going really well. Right at this moment I'm doing zero Python work (that will change, I strongly suspect) and, actually, for the first time ever, I'm writing some TypeScript (it's tempting me to dive into that some more).

The team I'm working in are great and I'm also really impressed so far by the practices they have in place relating to getting stuff done. It's actually a refreshing change to work in a bigger organisation and actually find it not massively frustrating!

I'm also back to working from home full time. This isn't that big a deal for me as I spent around 22 years doing so up until 2018, and of course it isn't that big of a deal to many folk these days anyway thanks to the 2020- period. This prompted me to finally clear out the spare room (I've only been in here a touch under 5 years so of course there were a lot of "I'll sort those soon" boxes and stuff in there), buy a second desk, and make a work-coding area that is away from totally separate from my for-fun-coding area.

This has turned out to be a really good decision. I love my main hacking space in the living room, and have done a lot of work there, but that was always on the odd days here and there when I'd work at home. Now that working at home is a full-time role it felt important to make the distinction.

Weirdly though, all of this means that I'm spending less time working on personal stuff. When I was working at Textualize, most days, I'd be spending the best part of 3 hours in the day getting to and from the office. I thought that perhaps getting that time back would translate into having more time to tinker with my own stuff. Actually what I'm finding I'm doing is I'm spending the time on more general self-care and domestic things. This is a good thing.

Doubtless once things really settle down and I form my new routine I'll dive back into FOSS coding more again, and perhaps get back to streaming while I code.

Meanwhile though you can find me steaming many late evenings, mucking about on my PS5. Right at this moment I'm finally playing all the way through Just Cause 4 (a game I bought back in 2019 and never finished). In fact last night I finished the main story.

Expect a lot more PS5-based streaming nonsense over the next few months.

One other change I have made is to my VR video publishing schedule. For the longest time I had the time and was playing so much that I published a video every day. This wasn't a schedule I set myself, this was more a case of I was playing so much that to publish less frequently would mean there would be a huge backlog. These days I'm back to working 5 days a week (previously I was working 4 days) so I have to cram a little more into my weekends, and also I want to try and do other things during weekends too. So recently I changed to an every-other-day schedule.

And, really, that's about it. For now expect to see a bit less Python-based content on here, and also quite a bit less Textual-based stuff too. Currently my focus is elsewhere and it also seems that Textual is a bit of a moving target recently, throwing in some fun new bugs and breaking changes which are tricky to keep on top of. That said, you will still find me in the repo, lending a hand when I can, and of course in the Textual Discord too; just don't expect to see me quite so omnipresent there, especially during the work day.

Tinboard v0.14.0

Posted on 2024-05-14 08:02 +0100 in Coding • Tagged with Python, terminal, textual, YouTube • 1 min read

I've just released Tinboard v0.14.0. This release adds a feature that a user requested, where you can set the default values for the privacy and read-later status of a new bookmark:

The application settings dialog

So, any time you create a new bookmark, the edit dialog will use those values by default. It's a feature that makes perfect sense but I didn't think to add it early on because... well, I set the defaults to my preference.

Tinboard can be installed with pip or (ideally) pipx from PyPi. It can also be installed with Homebrew by tapping davep/homebrew and then installing tinboard:

$ brew tap davep/homebrew
$ brew install tinboard

The source is available on GitHub.

Tinboard v0.12.0

Posted on 2024-04-18 16:46 +0100 in Coding • Tagged with Python, terminal, textual, YouTube • 2 min read

Tinboard has turned into a tool I use pretty much every day; it's probably my most-used Textual/Python-developed application at this point. This is causing me to think more and more about how I can add things to it that are related to the core purpose, but are also outside of the main "interface with Pinboard" thing.

A thing with keeping bookmarks for a long time is that some of them go stale, go away. Some will just plain 404, others the whole site will disappear. If I find myself going back to a bookmark and seeing this is the case, I'll hit the Wayback Machine and see if there's an archive there.

So I got to thinking: what if I add the ability to perform this check into Tinboard itself? So I did just that.

Now, in the application, if you press w with a bookmark highlighted, it will check with the Wayback Machine to see if the bookmark is in the archive. If it isn't you see this:

No archive result

On the other hand, if it is in the archive, you'll see something like this:

Is in the archive result

I sense this is going to be the first step in a couple of features related to this. I'm thinking that I may go on to add a "swap the URL for this bookmark with the Wayback Machine archive URL" feature, which will be handy for those bookmarks that have one away, and it would also be useful to look at the options for a "please archive a copy of this bookmark" feature.

But, for now, v0.12.0 is available and has this handy (for me anyway) first step.

Tinboard can be installed with pip or (ideally) pipx from PyPi. It can also be installed with Homebrew by tapping davep/homebrew and then installing tinboard:

$ brew tap davep/homebrew
$ brew install tinboard

The source is available on GitHub.

PISpy v0.6.0

Posted on 2024-04-17 11:30 +0100 in Coding • Tagged with Python, terminal, textual, YouTube • 1 min read

Back in the very early days of the Textual adventure, within the first month or so of working on the framework, we had a period of dogfooding. One of the projects I wrote during that time was a little tool I called PISpy.

The initial version was pretty much a quick hack; during that dogfooding period I did my best to try and develop a new project every couple of days. Since then I've let PISpy descend into bit rot.

In the last week or so I've turned my attention back to it and made an effort to tidy up the code, tidy it some more, and some more, and even some more.

This morning I put the finishing touches to these changes and released v0.6.0.

PISpy in action

PISpy can be installed with pip or (ideallty) pipx from PyPI. It can also be installed with Homebrew by tapping davep/homebrew and then installing pispy:

$ brew tap davep/homebrew
$ brew install pispy

The source is available on GitHub.

macOS desktop widget switching

Posted on 2024-04-17 09:26 +0100 in Tech • Tagged with macOS, fish, shell, streaming • 2 min read

When desktop widgets first turned up in macOS I was pretty quick to embrace them. On my personal Mac Mini I use a pair of screens, the right one mostly given over to Emacs, and there was generally room to space there. These days that screen generally looks something like this:

The usual layout of my right screen

Recently I've got into streaming while I do some coding and it's the right-hand screen that I work on and capture using OBS. When I was setting this up I realised that the widgets being there could be a problem; not because they could distract or anything, more that they could, at times, contain sensitive information (there's my reminder list and my calendar there after all).

What I needed was a quick method of hiding all the widgets, and showing them again later, without it being a lot of faff.

With a little bit of digging around on the net I finally came up with a pair of fish abbreviations that do just the job!

abbr -g widoff "defaults write StandardHideWidgets -int 1"
abbr -g widon "defaults write StandardHideWidgets -int 0"

Now, when I'm going to stream, part of my "getting stuff ready to go live" checklist is to run widoff in the terminal; once I'm finished I can then just run widon again to have them come back.

Fast, clean, handy.

I've also got a pair for when I'm using Stage Manager:

abbr -g smwidoff "defaults write StageManagerHideWidgets -int 1"
abbr -g smwidon "defaults write StageManagerHideWidgets -int 0"

Although, really, I can't remember the last time I used Stage Manager. I dabbled with it for a wee while, found it vaguely handy in a couple of situations, but it doesn't seem to have stuck as part of my workflow or work environment.

Tinboard v0.11.0

Posted on 2024-04-09 15:43 +0100 in Coding • Tagged with Python, terminal, textual, YouTube • 1 min read

While my time working on Textual might have come to an end, my time working with Textual hasn't. Three days back I experimented with Textual's newly-added "inline mode":

In doing so I extended the application so that it's possible to run tinboard add and quickly enter a new bookmark and then carry on in the terminal, without needing to "go fullscreen". I'll admit it's of limited use, but it seemed like a good shakedown of the feature and in working on it I was able to discover a couple of bugs (#4385, #4403).

The effect of this is this:

Tinboard inline addition in action

Tinboard can be installed with pip or (ideally) pipx from PyPi. It can also be installed with Homebrew by tapping davep/homebrew and then installing tinboard:

$ brew tap davep/homebrew
$ brew install tinboard

The source is available on GitHub.