MkDocs/mkdocstrings 404 CSS TIL update

Posted on 2025-02-28 22:23 +0000 in Coding • Tagged with documentation, GitHub, mkdocs, mkdocstrings, gh-pages • 1 min read

Following on from my post this morning, regarding the problem I was having with _mkdocstrings.css being 404 any time I deployed by documentation, build with mkdocs/mkdocstrings, to GitHub Pages...

It's come to light that I was doing this on hard mode, pretty much.

While trying to figure out the best way of deploying the docs, I'd stumbled on ghp-import and had been using that. On the other hand, MkDocs has it's own command for doing the same thing: mkdocs gh-deploy.

Timothée pointed out to me that he never runs into this problem, but he used this command. As it turns out, if you use mkdocs gh-deploy it creates the .nojekyll file by default.

And how does it do this? It uses the ghp-import code and uses a switch it has to achieve exactly this. In fact... the command line version even has a switch for it!

-n, --no-jekyll      Include a .nojekyll file in the branch.

This is off by default, when you run the command itself, but I wish I'd noticed this when I was first experimenting. O_o

Anyway, thanks to Timothée's pointers, I've now managed to simplify how I build and publish the docs from textual-fspicker, and I'll apply this to other projects too.

Documenting textual-fspicker (plus a TIL)

Posted on 2025-02-28 11:45 +0000 in Coding • Tagged with Python, textual, documentation, GitHub, mkdocs, mkdocstrings, gh-pages • 4 min read

I've just made a wee update to textual-fspicker, my dialog library for Textual which adds FileOpen, FileSave and SelectDirectory dialogs. There's no substantial change to the workings of the library itself, but I have added something it's been lacking for a long time: documentation!

Well... that's not quite true, it's always had documentation. I'm an avid writer of Python docstrings and I make a point of always writing them for every class, function, method or global value as I write the code. As such the low-level "API" documentation has always been sat there ready to be published somehow, eventually.

Meanwhile the description for how to use the library was mostly a pointer to some example code inside the README. Not ideal, and something I really wanted to improve at some point.

Given I'm still on a bit of a coding spree in my spare time, I finally decided to get round to using the amazing mkdocstrings, in conjunction with mkdocs, to get some better documentation up an running.

The approach I decided to take with the documentation was to have a page that gave some general information on how to use the library and then also generate low-level documentation for the all the useful content of the library from the docstrings. While latter isn't really useful to anyone wanting to use the library in their own applications, it could be useful to anyone wanting to understand how it hangs together at a lower-level, perhaps because they want to contribute to or extend the library in some way.

While writing some of the general guide took a bit of work, of course, the work to get the documentation up and running and generating was simple enough. The effort comes down to 3 rules in the Makefile for the project:

# Documentation.
.PHONY: docs
docs:                    # Generate the system documentation
    $(mkdocs) build

.PHONY: rtfm
rtfm:                    # Locally read the library documentation
    $(mkdocs) serve

.PHONY: publishdocs
publishdocs: docs        # Set up the docs for publishing
    $(run) ghp-import --push site

The rtfm target is useful for locally-serving the documentation so I can live preview as I write things and update the code. The publishdocs target is used to create and push a gh-pages branch for the repository, resulting in the documentation being hosted by GitHub.

A wee problem

NOTE: I've since found out there's an easier way of fixing the issue.

This is, however, where I ran into a wee problem. I noticed that the locally-hosted version of the documentation looked great, but the version hosted on GitHub Pages was... not so great. I was seeing a load of text alignment issues, and also whole bits of text just not appearing at all.

Here's an example of what I was seeing locally:

Good layout

and here's what I was seeing being served up from GitHub Pages:

Bad layout

As you can see, in the "bad" version the func label is missing from the header, and the Parameters and Returns tables look quite messy.

I spent a little bit of time digging and, looking in Safari's console, I then noticed that I was getting a 404 on a file called _mkdocstrings.css in the assets folder. Problem found!

Only... was it though? If I looked in the gh-pages local branch the file was there (and with fine permissions). If I looked in the remote branch, it was there too. Thinking it could be some odd browser problem I even tried to grab the file back from the command line and it came back 404 as well.

Testing from the command line

At this point it was getting kind of late so I decided I must have screwed up somehow but I should leave it for the evening and head to bed. Before doing so though I decided to drop a question into the mkdocstrings discussions to see if anyone could see where I'd messed up.

As it turns out, it looked like I hadn't messed up and the reply from the always super-helpful Timothée was, in effect, "yeah, that should work fine". At least I wasn't the only one confused.

Fast forward to this morning and, with breakfast and coffee inside me, I decided to try and methodically get to the bottom of it. I wrote up the current state of understanding and looked at what might be the common cause. The thing that stood out to me was that this was a file that started with an underscore, so I did a quick search for "github pages underscore" and right away landed on this result.


That had to be it!

A little bit of testing later and sure enough, the documentation hosted on GitHub Pages looked exactly like the locally-hosted version.

So, TIL: by default sites hosted by GitHub Pages will pretend that any asset that starts with an underscore doesn't exist, unless you have a .nojekyll in the root of the repository, on the gh-pages branch (or whatever branch you decide to serve from).

To make this all work I added .nojekyll to docs/source and added this to mkdocs.yml:

exclude_docs: |

All done!

And now I've worked out a simple workflow for using mkdocs/mkdocstrings for my own Python projects, in conjunction with GitHub Pages, I guess I'll start to sprinkle it over other projects too.

All green on GitHub

Posted on 2023-10-01 09:14 +0100 in Coding • Tagged with GitHub • 2 min read

In about a week's time I'll have had a GitHub account for 15 years! I can't even remember what motivated me to create one now, but back in October 2008 I grabbed the davep account...

Making my account

...and then made my first repo.

First repo made

My use of the site after that was very sporadic. It looks like I'd add or update something once or twice a year, but I wasn't a heavy user.

First few years

Then around the middle of 2015 I seem to have started using it a lot more.

The next few years

This very much shows that during those years I was working on personal stuff that I was making available in case anyone found it useful, but also leaning heavily on GitHub as a (a, not the) place to keep backups of code I cared about (or even no longer cared about). Quite a lot of that green will likely be me having a few periods of revamping my Emacs configuration.

The really fun part though starts about a year ago:

Working on FOSS full time

It's pretty obvious when I started working at Textualize, and working on a FOSS project full time. This is, without a doubt, the most green my contribution graph has looked. It looks like there's a couple of days this year where I haven't visited my desk at all, and I think this is a good thing (I try really hard to have a life outside of coding when it comes to weekends), but I'm also delighted to see just how busy this year looks.

I really hope this carries on for a while to come.

Apparently, as of the time of writing, I've made 12,588 contributions that are on GitHub. What's really fun is the fact that my first contribution pre-dates my GitHub account by 9 years!

My very first contribution

This one's pretty easy to explain: this is back from when I was involved with Harbour. Back then we were using SourceForge to manage the project (as was the fashion at the time), and at some point in the past whoever is maintaining the project has pulled the full history into GitHub.

My contribution history on GitHub is actually older than my adult son. I suspect it's older than at least one person I work with. :-/ 1

  1. I'm informed that this isn't the case2; apparently I'm either bad at estimating people's ages, or bad at remembering them; or both. 

  2. Although it's not too far off. :-/ 

A new GitHub profile README

Posted on 2023-07-03 08:15 +0100 in Coding • Tagged with GitHub, Python, Textual • 2 min read

My new GitHub banner

Ever since GitHub introduced the profile README1 I've had a massively low-effort one in place. I made the repo, quickly wrote the file, and then sort of forgot about it. Well, I didn't so much forget as just keep looking at it and thinking "I should do something better with that one day".

Thing is, while there are lots of fancy approaches out there, and lots of neat generator tools and the like... they just weren't for me.

Then yesterday, over my second morning coffee, after getting my blog environment up and going again, I had an idea. It could be cool to use Textual's screenshot facility to make something terminal-themed! I mean, while it's not all I am these days, so much of what I'm doing right now is aimed at the terminal.

So... what to do? Then I thought it could be cool to knock up some sort of login screen type thing; with a banner. One visit to an online large terminal text generator site later, I had some banner text. All that was left was to write a simple Textual application to create the "screen".

The main layout is simple enough:

def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
    yield Label(NAME, classes="banner")
    yield Label(PRATTLE)
    yield Label(" login: [reverse] [/]")

where NAME contains the banner and PRATTLE contains the "login message". With some Textual CSS sprinkled over it to give the exact layout and colour I wanted, all that was left was to make the snapshot. This was easy enough too.

While the whole thing isn't fully documented just yet, Textual does have a great tool for automatically running an application and interacting with it; that meant I could easily write a function to load up my app and save the screenshot:

async def make_banner() -> None:
    async with GitHubBannerApp().run_test() as pilot:"davep.svg")

Of course, that needs running async, but that's simple enough:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Throw in a Makefile so I don't forget what I'm supposed to run:

.PHONY: all
    pipenv run python

and that's it! Job done!

From here onward I guess I could have some real fun with this. It would be simple enough I guess to modify the code so that it changes what's displayed over time; perhaps show a "last login" value that relates to recently activity or something; any number of things; and then run it in a cron job and update the repository.

For now though... I'll stick with keeping things nice and simple.

  1. It was actually kind of annoying when they introduced it because the repo it uses is named after your user name. I already had a davep repo: it was a private repo where I was slowly working on a (now abandoned, I'll start it again some day I'm sure) ground-up rewrite of my website.