pydscheck -- A quick hack that keeps slowly growing

Posted on 2019-10-26 13:19 +0100 in Python • Tagged with Python, documentation • 3 min read

Something I always try to do when I'm coding is be consistent. I feel this is important. While people's coding standards may differ, I think different approaches are easier to handle if someone has been consistent with their style across all of their code.

This also stands for documentation too.

In my current position, I do a lot of Python coding, and one of the things I like about Python (there are things I don't like too, but that's not for now) is that it has doc-strings (just like my favourite language). I use them extensively, ensuring every function and method has some form of documentation, and generally I use Sphinx to generate documentation from those doc-strings.

Early on I was bothered by the fact that, just by the simple act of making typos, I wasn't keeping the form of the doc-strings consistent. And in this case it was a really simple thing that was bugging me. Normally, if I'm writing a single-line doc-string, I'll write like this:

def one_liner():
    """Here is a one-line doc-string."""

So far, so good. But, if the doc-string is a multi-liner, I prefer the ending quotes to be on a line of their own, like this:

def multi_liner():
    """Here is the first line.
    Here is another line.
    Here is the final line.

But, sometimes, by accident, I'd leave a doc-string like this:

def multi_liner():
    """Here is the first line.
    Here is another line.
    Here is the final line.""""

While it's really not a big deal, it would bug me and every time I found one like this I'd "fix" it.

Eventually, it bugged me enough that I decided I was going to write a little tool to find all such instances in my code and report them. My first approach was to think "I could just do this with some regexp magic", which was really a bad idea. Then I though, I know, I should use this as an excuse to to play with Python's ast library.

That worked really well! I had the first version of the code up and running in no time. It was simple but did the job. It ran through Python code I threw at it and alerted me to both missing doc-strings, and doc-strings with the ending I didn't like.

That served me for a while, until one day I realised that it wasn't quite doing the job correctly; it was only really looking at top-level functions and top-level methods in classes. Sometimes, not often, but sometimes, I'll define functions within functions, and I feel they deserve documentation too. So then I modified the code to ensure it walked every part of the AST.

Since then, when I've run into new things and had new ideas, pydscheck has grown and grown. I've added checks that all mentioned parameters have a type; I've added checks that any function/method that returns something actually documents the return value; I've added checks that any documentation of a returned value includes its type; I've added checks that any function or method that yields a value documents that fact; I've added checks that ensure that every parameter is documented in some way.

Each time I've done this it's helped uncover issues in my code's documentation that could be cleaner, and it's also given me a pet project to slowly better understand Python's AST.

It could be that there are better tools out there, I'd have thought that a good doc-string linting tool would be something someone had already written. But this time around I was happy to NIH it because I needed a fun learning exercise that would also have some benefits for my day-to-day work.

I'll caveat this with the fact that it's very particular to how I work and how I like my documentation to look, but if it sounds useful, here it is:

There's still lots I could do with it. First off I should really properly package it up so it can be installed as a command line tool via pip. Other things that would be handy would be to allow some form of customisation of how it works. I'm sure there's other fun things I can do with it too.

That's part of the fun of having a pet project: you can tinker when you like and also get benefits from it as you use it.

Why I really like fish abbreviations

Posted on 2019-10-23 00:18 +0100 in Tech • Tagged with fish, shell • 4 min read

I'm filing this as a TIL because, while it wasn't T, I did L it very recently and it was a new trick that impacted on around 25 years if prior working practice.

I think it must have been around 1991 when I first encountered 4DOS. While I'd used the odd Unix shell here and there previously, it'd only been in passing. It was 4DOS that first introduced me to the power of aliases on the command line. Many of the aliases I set up and used in 4DOS still remain with me to this day, on GNU/Linux and macOS, in some form or another.

I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone reading this why aliases and cool and handy and pretty much vital if you do lots of work on the command line.

And then, a couple or so weeks ago, as a very recent convert to fish, I discovered the abbr command. At first glance it didn't seem to make much sense. It was like alias, only it expanded what you typed rather than acted as a command in its own right.

I did a bit of digging and some of it started to make sense. One thing that really won me over -- and while it's something that doesn't directly impact on me -- was the argument that it allows for a far more transparent command history; especially if you're likely to use a transcript of a shell session in a place where people might not know or have access to your aliases.

Imagine being in a position where you have loads of handy and cool aliases, but you also need to record what you've done so other people can follow your work (does it show that I sit amongst people who maintain lab notebooks?); it seems like it would be a bit of a bother needing to record all of the aliases in your own work environment up front. Without that information few people will be able to make sense of the recorded commands, with that information they'd still need to double-check what each command does.

So imagine an alias that, when used, expands in place. Then you'd get all of the benefit of aliases while also having a full and readable record of what you actually did.

Seems neat!

Here's a silly example. For a long time I've carried around an alias called greedy that runs something like this:

du -hs * | sort -rh

It's pretty straightforward: I'm using du to get a sense of which directories are using what space, and then using sort to make a worst-to-best-offender list out of it. So I could use an alias:

alias greedy="du -hs * | sort -rh"

The only downside to this is that, any time I run it, if I were to record the shell session and make it available for someone else to read, they'd just see:

~/develop$ greedy
1.1G    JavaScript
824M    C
699M    rust
 93M    python
 33M    fonts
 33M    elisp
3.4M    zsh
3.0M    misc
1.1M    bash
840K    ocaml
428K    C++
316K    lisp
172K    Swift
152K    git
132K    ruby
 28K    ObjC

Now, with an abbreviation rather than an alias, I'd type greedy but as soon as I hit Enter it'd get expanded to something anyone could read and follow:

~/develop$ du -hs * | sort -rh
1.1G    JavaScript
824M    C
699M    rust
 93M    python
 33M    fonts
 33M    elisp
3.4M    zsh
3.0M    misc
1.1M    bash
840K    ocaml
428K    C++
316K    lisp
172K    Swift
152K    git
132K    ruby
 28K    ObjC

This is far from the only benefit of abbreviations; for most people it probably isn't one of the most important ones, but I find it neat and compelling and this alone drove me to rework almost all of my aliases as abbreviations.

Having done that, I get other benefits too. For example, fish (like other shells) has good support for argument completion for well-known commands. The problem is, if you alias such a command, you don't get that completion. With an abbreviation though you do! All you need to do is type the abbreviation, hit space and it'll expand to the underlying command and then the full range of completion can happen.

There's also one last reason why I like abbreviations over aliases, and it's kind of a silly one, but in a good way. It's actually fun to see what you type magically expand as you do things, it makes you look like you can type even faster than you normally can! ;-)

PS: If you've never tried fish before and you're curious, it's easy to try in your browser.

gitweb.el -- Quickly visit a repo's forge from Emacs

Posted on 2019-10-21 10:41 +0100 in Emacs • Tagged with Emacs, git • 2 min read, which I wrote about yesterday, actually sprang from something I initially wrote for Emacs. I'm often spending my time switching between Emacs and the command line (which is fast and easy -- I normally work on macOS and have Emacs and iTerm2 running full screen, and I can switch between them without ever taking my hands off the keyboard), so it makes sense to have some handy commands repeated in both places.

So, originally, I'd written gitweb.el to open the current repo's "forge" in the web browser.

As with the fish version, how it works is quite simple. I use shell-command-to-string to call git and find the origin URL for the current repo, and then manipulate it a bit to turn it into a normal browser-friendly URL. Finally, if I get something workable, I use browser-url to have the resulting page open in the browsing environment of choice.

I have the command bound to a key combination that's similar to the ones I use with magit and forge, so in terms of muscle-memory it's easy for me to remember what to press when I quickly want to skip over from a magit view to the repo forge itself.

Similar to what I wrote a couple of days back, I think this again illustrates how handy Emacs is as a work environment. While it's absolutely true that there are other development environments out there that offer similar extensibility, Emacs is the one I'm comfortable with, and it has a long history of offering this. -- Quickly visit a repo's forge

Posted on 2019-10-20 13:15 +0100 in Coding • Tagged with fish, git • 2 min read

These days fish is my shell of choice. I started out with bash back in the 1990s, went through a bit of a zsh/oh-my-zsh phase, but earlier this year finally settled on fish.

At some point I might write a post about my fish config, and why fish works well for me. But that's an idea for another time.

In this post I thought I'd share a little snippet of code that can come in handy now and again.

Sometimes I find myself inside a git repo, in the shell, and I want to get to the "forge" for that repo. This is most often either on GitHub, or in a company-local installation of GitLab. To get there quickly I wrote

# Attempt go visit the origin hub for the current repo.

function gh -d "Visit the repo in its origin hub"

    # Check that there is some sort of origin.
    set origin (git config --get remote.origin.url)

    # If we didn't get anything...
    if not test "$origin"
        # ...complain and exit.
        echo "This doesn't appear to be a git repo with an origin"
        return 1

    # Open in the browser.
    open "https://"(string replace ":" "/" (string replace -r '\.git$' "" (string split "@" $origin)[ 2 ]))


### ends here

The idea is pretty simple: I see if the repo has an origin of some description and, if it has, I slice and dice it into something that looks like the URL you'd expect to find for a GitHub or GitLab repo. Finally I use open to open the URL in the environment's browser of choice.

pypath.el -- A little Emacs hack to help with Django

Posted on 2019-10-19 10:35 +0100 in Emacs • Tagged with Emacs, Python, Django, Lisp • 2 min read

One of the things I really like about coding with Emacs is how I can easily identify a repeated task and turn it into a command in my environment, saving me a load of work down the line.

pypath.el is one such example.

In my day job I write a lot of Django code. As part of that, I write a good number of unit tests too. Sometimes I'll write the tests as I'm writing the code they test, other times I'm writing them afterwards; it all really depends on where my head's at and how the code is flowing.

When I'm writing those tests, I often want to test them as I go. Given that starting up a test session can take a while, and given that running all the tests in the system can take a while, it's really handy if I can run that single test I'm working on.

This is easy enough with Django. In my work environment it's normally something like:

$ pipenv run ./ test -v 2 app.test.some.sub.module.TestClass.test_method

Only... typing out the:


part is a bit of a pain. Sure, once you've typed it the once you can use your shell of choice (mine being fish and on occasion eshell) to recall it from history, but typing it out the first time is the annoying part.

So this was the point where I took 1/2 hour or so to code up pypath.el to solve the problem for me. It gives me two commands:

  • pypath: which simply places the dotted path of the current "defun", within the context of being part of a Django system, into the clipboard buffer.
  • pypath-django-test: which works similar to the above but places the whole Django testing command into the clipboard.

With the above, I can work on a test, hit the latter command above, flip to my command line, paste and I'm running the test.

Of course, I'm sure there's plenty of other handy ways to do this. Doubtless there's work environments where the test can be run right there, in the edit buffer, without flipping away, and which takes into account the fact that there's a pipenv-managed virtual environment involved, etc. If there is, that's great, but I don't think it'd work with how I work.

And that's one of the things I really love about Emacs, and why it's still my work environment after almost 25 years of on and off use: with very little work on my part I can create a couple of commands that work exactly how I need them to. While it's great to create generally-useful code for Emacs that lots of people benefit from, sometimes the real value is that you can code up your own particular quirk and just get on with stuff.

To conclude: this post isn't to show off pypath.el; really this post is to sing the praises of Emacs and why it still works so well for me after all these years.

Time to move on

Posted on 2019-10-18 17:42 +0100 in Meta • Tagged with blogging • 2 min read

It's well over a year since I last wrote something on this blog. As mentioned in the last post (and the one before), it's not for bad reasons or anything like that. Being in a new job, which actually isn't all that new now, has kept me busy in all the best ways possible.

There's been other stuff going on too which has drawn on my attention and the time and motivation to blog, either random stuff, or more development-related stuff, just hasn't been there.

Also... blogging via GitHub, using Jekyll, has lost a lot of its shine. It sort of makes sense, well, sort of made sense, but in the end it felt like more work than it should. Whereas most blogging systems tend to encourage just diving in and banging on the keyboard, there's just a bit more faff with the GitHub pages approach.

So, with that in mind, and with no desire right now to roll my own (which would be fun, it has to be said), I'm going to skip off over to Hashnode's blogging system. It seems to have everything I'd want and I can slap it on a domain of mine.

Most of my random musings about random things really happen on Twitter, so I can't imagine I'll be wanting to blog about normal/mundane things. What I would like to do is write about development-related things from time to time. So that would seem to fit even better.

Anyway, enough of all this waffle. If you land here and it looks kind of quiet, that's because it has been quiet for a while and I'm now going to try and concentrate elsewhere, with a wish to do some coding-related writing now and again.

A little speed issue with openpyxl

Posted on 2018-06-02 13:16 +0100 in Python • Tagged with Python, openpyxl • 4 min read

It's been very quiet on the blogging front, I'm afraid, mostly for the reasons I wrote about back in December last year. In that time I've been really very busy with work (in a good way, in a very good way) and there's not a whole lot of time to be toying with pet projects at home.

However, finding myself with a spare hour or so, I wanted to write about something I did run into as part of some development at work, and which I thought might be worth writing about in case it helps someone else.

Recently I've needed to write a library of code for loading data from Excel Workbooks. Given that the vast majority of coding I do at the moment is in Python, it made sense to make use of openpyxl. The initial prototype code I wrote worked well and it soon grew into a full-blown library that'll be used in a couple of work-related projects.

But one thing kept niggling me... It just wasn't as fast as I'd expected. The workbooks I'm pulling data from aren't that large, and yet it was taking a noticeable number of seconds to read in the data, and when I let the code have a go at a directory full of such workbooks... even the fan on the machine would ramp up.

It didn't seem right.

I did a little bit of profiling and could see that the code was spending most of its time deep in the guts of some XML-parsing functions. While I know that an xlsx file is pretty much an XML document, it seemed odd to me that it would take so much time and effort to pull the data out from it.

Given that I had other code to be writing, and given that the workbook-parsing code was "good enough" for the moment, I moved on for a short while.

But, a couple of weeks back, I had a bit of spare time and decided to revisit it. I did some more searching on openpyxl and speed issues and almost everything I found said that the common problem was failing to open the workbook in read_only mode. That can't have been my problem because I'd being doing that from the very start.

Eventually I came across a post somewhere (sorry, I've lost it for now -- I'll try and track it down again) that suggested that openpyxl was very slow to read from a workbook if you were reading one cell at a time, rather than using generators. The suggestion being that every time you pull a value form a cell, it has to parse the whole sheet up to that cell. Generators, on the other hand, would allow access to all the cells during one parse.

This seemed a little unlikely to me -- I'd have expected the code to cache the parsing results or something like that -- but it also would explain what I was seeing. So I decided to give it a test.

openpyxl-speed-issue is a version of the tests I wrote and ran and they absolutely show that there's a huge difference between cell-by-cell access vs generator access.

Code like this:

for row in range( 1, sheet.max_row + 1 ):
    for col in range( 0, sheet.max_column ):
        value = sheet[ row ][ col ].value

is far slower than something like this:

for row in wb[ "Test Sheet" ].rows:
    for cell in row:
        value = cell.value

Here's an example of the difference in time, as seen on my iMac:

$ make test
pipenv run time ./read-using-generators
        1.59 real         0.44 user         0.04 sys
pipenv run time ./read-using-peeking
       25.02 real        24.88 user         0.10 sys

As you can see, the cell-by-cell approach is about 16 times slower than the generator approach.

In most circumstances the generator approach would make most sense anyway, and in any other situation I probably would have used it and never have noticed this. However, the nature of the workbooks I need to pull data from means I need to "peek ahead" to make decisions about what I'm doing, so a more traditional loop over, with an index, made more sense.

I can easily "fix" this by using the generator approach to build up a two-dimensional array of cells, acquired via the generator; so I can still do what I want and benefit from using generators.

In conclusion: given that I found it difficult to find information about my speed issue, and given that the one off-hand comment I saw that suggested it was this wasn't exactly easy to find, I thought I'd write it all down too and create a repository of some test code to illustrate the issue. Hopefully someone else will benefit from this in the future.

On to something new

Posted on 2017-12-12 13:59 +0000 in Life • Tagged with coding, work, life, news • 2 min read

Today is a fairly significant day for me. For the past 21 (and a bit) years I've worked for the same company. I know that, for lots of people in my industry, that's a hell of a long time to be in one position. It was a setup that served me pretty well; the company was small (I'm not much of a big company person), I generally got to dictate the development tools and direction, and I also got to work from home.

The working from home part was especially helpful as other life events involved me and happened around me. The job I've been in has seen a marriage come and go, and a move from Hampshire to Lincolnshire, and then from Lincolnshire to Midlothian. There's been a few adventures along the way.

But, three months ago, I got a call to say that I was to be made redundant. This sucked, obviously. It also appeared pretty stupid on the part of my employer: a company that is based around software had decided it no longer wanted an in-house software developer. A bold, and I think unwise, choice. From this point on they've decided to only go with contract developers and only contract developers from overseas (or so the story goes).

As it goes, things have turned out okay. Today is my last day with my old employer and, as I'm sat here typing this out while having some lunch, I'm actually glad that it's coming to a close and that I can get to move on.

I have a new employer, and will be starting in my new position during the first week of January. It'll be very different. It'll all be different. Not only will I be back working in an office (one where jeans and t-shirts are the norm, thankfully!), I'm also going to be working in an industry (as a developer still, of course) that I have no background in and no real knowledge of. It's going to be a seriously exciting challenge.

New book

Over the next couple of weeks I've got a fair amount of background reading (and video watching) to be doing. This isn't so much that I can get on with the job of development (although there will be a good bit of that to do too -- who doesn't want to be trying to understand new options for development?), it's more about understanding the language of the industry I'll be in and so that I can understand the needs of my users.

Goodbye fashion retail and all related things. Hello genetics and... well, I don't know, I'm going to find out. :)

More revamping of my Emacs config

Posted on 2017-07-13 15:25 +0100 in Emacs • Tagged with Emacs, Lisp, coding, Emacs Lisp • 2 min read

I've been pretty quiet on here since I last wrote about how I'd done a further revamp of my Emacs config, so I thought that subject would be a good reason to write another blog post.

It'll be a mostly short one, and one to muse over something that's been bugging me for a while now: my decision to lean heavily on customize to set all sorts of settings.

Initially, when I nuked my original config over a year ago, it seemed to make a lot of sense. Let all the tweaks and set values "hide" in a file of their own and try and keep the hand-edited config files as small and as clean as possible. Recently though I've got to thinking that this obscures too much, hides too much detail, and removes the ability to actually document what I'm doing and why. It also does make it tricky to adapt some settings to different platforms or even environments on a single platform.

Another problem I've run into is this: when I made the second round of changes and decided to lean heavily on use-package, I soon ran into the minor issue of some packages not making sense, or even being needed, on some platforms (stuff that's useful on my macOS machines isn't always useful on my Windows machines, that sort of thing). While use-package can handle this easily thanks to the :if keyword, I'm still left with the fact that package-selected-packages still gets populated.

Having package-selected-packages contain a list of installed packages likely makes sense if you're using just the Emacs package system and you're not doing the installing with use-package and :ensure. But with use-package and :ensure I feel like I've got far more control over things and can adapt what gets installed when depending on which Emacs I'm running where.

But, because I'm syncing my ~/.emacs.d/.custom.el to all my machines too, any use-package that has a :if to not bother using a package has little effect because the package still ends up being listed/loaded/seen as part of the installation.

Ideally, I think, I'd like to be able to have package-selected-packages held in its own file, or I'd only ever use ~/.emacs.d/.custom.el for local stuff (and so stop syncing it).

Starting today I'm going about a process of moving as much as I can out of ~/.emacs.d/.custom.el and into hand-edited files. In some respects I guess I am going back to how I used to manage Emacs configuration, but this time it's not a massive monolithic file-of-Lisp, it's neatly broken down into sensible sections and it's also biased towards a "grab and config this package" approach.

Meanwhile, I've not seen any good discussions online about customize vs "hand-edit", which strikes me as a little odd as it feels like the perfect "religious issue" for people to have endless disagreements over. I guess, over the next couple or so weeks, I'll find out if switching back was a good idea.

Another revamp of my emacs config

Posted on 2017-04-01 10:02 +0100 in Emacs • Tagged with Emacs, Lisp, Emacs Lisp, coding • 4 min read

Just under a year ago I decided to totally rewrite my GNU emacs config. As I wrote at the time, it'd been following me around all sorts of machines since the early 1990s, starting life on an OS/2 Warp machine and travelling via MS-DOS, GNU/Linux, Windows and, these days, macOS.

The changes I made last year have served me really well, but there were two related issues with it that bothered me a little: the fact that I was maintaining a local library of elisp code in the repository and, worse still, I was storing the packages I'd installed from elpa and melpa in the repository as well.

While this did mean it was pretty easy for me to start up a new installation of emacs on a machine -- all I had to do was clone the repo and run up emacs -- I wasn't happy with the duplication involved. I didn't like holding code in my .emacs.d repo that was already held in package archives.

The solution I saw was in two parts:

  1. Get some of my code, that might be useful to others, into melpa.
  2. Somehow sort my own package archive for my personal code.

Over the past week or so I've worked on this approach. It initially started with me tackling item 1 above: I tidied up and submitted obfusurl.el, protocols.el, services.el, thinks.el and uptimes.el. This was a really helpful process in that it allowed me to brush up on my elisp and emacs knowledge. It's a good 15+ years since I last wrote any significant elisp code and things have moved on a little in that time.

Having done that I'd managed to move a handful of my own packages out of my local library of code, and so out of my .emacs.d repo, but it left me with the problem of what to do with the rest of it.

That's when I discovered package-x and:

,----[ C-h f package-upload-buffer RET ]
| package-upload-buffer is an interactive compiled Lisp function in
| package-x.el.
| (package-upload-buffer)
| Upload the current buffer as a single-file Emacs Lisp package.
| If package-archive-upload-base does not specify a valid upload
| destination, prompt for one.

(plus package-upload-file too, of course). This meant I could, in effect, start my own personal package archive and look at tackling issue 2 above.

This did give me one small problem though: how and where would I host the archive? I did consider hosting it on a DigitalOcean droplet, but that felt a little like overkill for something so simple. And then I realised: GitHub Pages! All I needed to do was keep the package archive in its own repo (which I would have done anyway) and then make the whole repo the source for a GitHub Pages site. A quick test later and... it worked!

So, by this point, I'd farmed some of my code off to melpa, and now had the rest of it in "delpa" (which I'd called my personal archive). I could now use the emacs package management system to install third party packages and also my own.

But I was still left with one issue: I was still holding the installed packages inside my .emacs.d repo by way of ensuring that all machines were in sync in terms of what was installed. Now I needed to work out how to solve that.

Around this time, as luck would have it, @tarsius had suggested I look at a package called use-package by @jwiegley. This was the bit I was missing.

With use-package I would be able to declare which packages I needed, how they'd be installed and, most important of all, it could be set to handle the fact that the package wasn't even installed. If a package is requested and there is no local install use-package is smart enough to get the emacs package system to install it.

So, given that, all I need to do was create a startup file that would declare the packages I use and I'd have a setup that should, once I'd cloned .emacs.d, self-install.

Except... yeah, one more issue. use-package isn't part of GNU emacs yet so I'd need a method of getting it to auto-install so it could then handle everything else. As it was that was as easy as adding this to the start of my init.el.

;; Make sure the package system is up and running early on.
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . ""))
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("delpa" . ""))

;; Bootstrap `use-package'
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
  (package-install 'use-package))

With that in place I was able to nuke all my config on a machine, clone a fresh copy of .emacs.d (having now ceased tracking and storing the installed packages in that repo), run up emacs, wait a few moments and then find that everything was installed and ready to use.


My .emacs.d is now a lot smaller than it was before and, I think, even easier to maintain. Right now I think I'm very close to the ideal emacs config that I wanted to create when I did the complete rewrite a year ago.